Friday, July 16, 2021

Stupid is what stupid gets


Eugene Robinson writes in the Washington Post:

GOP death cult attitude toward vaccines isn't just lethal, it's stupid

(Now, that isn't the title you'll see on the Internet page at the link. It IS the title based on the URL. I like that one better.)

"  “I’m perplexed by the reluctance of some to get vaccinated, totally perplexed,” the most powerful Republican in Washington, Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (Ky.), said last week in a grotesque display of faux concern. The hesitancy, and the misinformation that drives it, is coming from inside the house — and the House. 

McConnell and other GOP leaders need to forcefully explain to their constituents that, by refusing to get vaccinated, they’re owning no one except themselves. The measure of devotion to a belief might be how much a worshiper is willing to sacrifice to it, but offering up one’s loved ones, one’s livelihood and even one’s own health to a god this stupid is deranged. "

It is deranged.  Used to be, Trump Derangement Syndrome meant the obsession with getting Trump out of office, and I admit I was infected a bit by that.  But now, Trump Derangement Syndrome consists of thinking that the former Prez wasn't guilty of inciting a riot on January 6 at the Capitol building intended to stop the wheels of the Republic from turning, and now not taking a vaccine that the Trump administration itself developed which would basically save your life.

Crazy, loony, nuts, call it what you will -- it certainly isn't healthy.  And a lot of the citizens of this country are suffering mightily.

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