Sunday, September 26, 2021

Confronting extreme (because of climate change) heat


The Biden administration announced it is starting a new initiative addressing the health dangers (including death) of extreme heat.

According to the article, extreme heat is now the number 1 cause of weather-related deaths in the U.S.  Now, the skeptics will say that cold kills more than heat, because more people die in the winter than the summer.  Which may still be true, because being inside, with infectious people (not just COVID, but flu and colds and other diseases) can cause sickness and death too.  But it isn't a direct connection, whereas dying due to hot weather, which can have several manifestations, is a direct connection.

Biden confronts extreme heat, a silent climate killer

" “Rising temperatures pose an imminent threat to millions of American workers exposed to the elements, to kids in schools without air conditioning, to seniors in nursing homes without cooling resources, and particularly to disadvantaged communities,” Biden said. “My administration will not leave Americans to face this threat alone.”

Biden also called on Congress to pass the $3.5 trillion tax-and-spending proposal that would unlock more funding to address climate change and make the nation’s infrastructure more resilient to weather disasters."

I sure hope they do.


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