Monday, September 6, 2021

Lighthouse of the Week, September 5-11, 2021: Faro Celarain, Cozumel, Mexico


This week, I've circled around the Caribbean Sea from Jamaica, and ended up at Cozumel.  I discovered that Cozumel has a lighthouse on its southern point, named Faro Celarain.  I'm pretty certain of that because it says so right on the lighthouse.

If you don't know where Cozumel is, it's an island off the coast of the Yucatan Peninsula. This map will help locate the Faro.  It also happens to be located adjacent to the Cozumel Punta Sur Eco Park

I turn now to the Lighthouse Directory, of course.

1934 (station established 1908). Active; focal plane 26 m (85 ft); white flash every 5 s. 25 m (82 ft) cylindrical concrete tower with lantern and gallery. Lighthouse painted white with black lettering on the seaward side; lantern painted red, gallery green. 4th order (?) clamshell Fresnel lens in use. ... The road to the lighthouse was washed out by Hurricane Wilma in late 2005, but the area was reopened by September 2006. Located in an ecological reserve at the southern end of the island of Cozumel."

This is an outstanding lighthouse in a superb location.  If I ever get to Cozumel, I'll include this on my list of things to see.


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