Sunday, September 19, 2021

When words aren't enough


 I don't know about you, but I have had many occasions in the past 9 months or so, since COVID-19 vaccines became available, to discuss / argue / question those of a certain political persuasion about whether they should get vaccinated or not.   

It is similar to arguments about climate change;  the arguments for doing something en masse, societally, are correct and necessary -- and the arguments against participating in those activities are illogical, ignorant, dangerous, uninformed, and many times based on the most egregious examples of pseudoscience and misinformation that it is possible to find in the dark nooks and odorous crannies of the Web.

Did I mince words?  If so, I didn't mean too.

Now, it has been my experience with the most dogged of the debaters that they don't give up, even when faced with SHeer Utter Unmitigated Truth, Undeniable and Persuasive (SHUUT UP).  But in the case of the vaccines, there is a downside to wrongness, that being infection, hospitalization, and funeralization.  The problem I have with THAT is that I can't have the final word in the argument.

Well, I'm not someone that takes not having the last word lightly.  So, if you, like me, want to express your condolences, but still want to express your sentiments and your position while remaining respectful, yet letting everyone else in attendance at the viewing and the service know that you tried, I offer the following.

The "I Told You So" funeral wreath.

When you really, really want to have the last word, even as they shuffle off this mortal coil.

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