Sunday, January 23, 2022

Highway 41 end-to-end Streetview trek gets ironic

Ironic as in "iron".  You'll see.

Strangely, for a short distance, the inexorable northward route of Highway 41 turns slightly south (mostly west). Just as a note of interest there are several cannabis outlets on this stretch. It's actually on the other side of the road, but this is the road into the Michigan Iron Industry Museum.


On the left, Irontown Pasties. On the right, Teal Lake.

I'm going to do something unusual here for the trek, and show the Google satellite view, to show where the big Jackson iron mine is located in relation to Negaunee and Ishpeming. The mine is a Michigan State Historic Site.  (Nearby, you can also try the luge, if you feel so inclined.  Ha hah.)

Now we're in Ishpeming, and that unusually-shaped building to the left is the U.S. National Ski Hall of Fame. I'll bet you didn't know (well, I didn't) that Ishpeming is the birthplace of organized skiing in the United States.

Ishpeming also has a lake located in the city limits named "Lake Bacon". I'm sure there's a story behind that.

More Upper Peninsula sites and sights to come before the endpoint.

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