Saturday, January 29, 2022

Old battle-axe


In this case, really old.  Late Cretaceous Period old.

Growing up, I was fascinated with dinosaurs (I guess a lot of us precocious types shared that).  I had dinosaur toys and went to museums with dinosaur skeletons.   I learned a lot of their fun scientific names.

One type in particular interested me;  the ankylosaurs, which were like biological tanks, covered with hard plates on top, and carrying a bony club in back to whack any threatening predators.  The standard ankylosaur looked like this:

In the news recently was the discovery and description of a new kind of ankylosaur that carried a tail weapon that looked more like an axe than a club.  It was found in southern Chile and has been named Stegouros elengassen.  Here's what this one looked like:

I recommend reading the New York Times article at the link;  getting the bones out of the mountains and into the lab had some challenges.

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