Saturday, January 15, 2022

Sex for pleasure -- what a concept!


Yes, the act of coitus can be pleasurable.  I guess that's not big news.

But maybe it is when scientists discover that dolphins like to get busy because it feels good, too.

Dolphins have sex for fun: Females have functional clitorises that provide pleasure when stimulated, study reveals

(The article is illustrated, by the way.)

Here's an illuminating excerpt: 

"The final discovery was the genital corpuscles, which are sensory structures found in the human clitoris and penis. 'Those [the genital corpuscles] are there specifically for pleasure,' said Brennan. 'This is all pretty good evidence that dolphins are experiencing pleasure through clitoris simulation.'

The researchers note that there's been little study of the clitoris and female sexual pleasure in nature. In fact, even the human clitoris was not fully described until the 1990s."

And considering the youthfulness of the field, I feel some regret that my career path didn't allow me to take part in that research.

So now we know why they look so happy.

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