Sunday, August 21, 2022

Use all the fish


A really good idea to get the most benefit out of caught fish.  After all, we have learned to use virtually every part of cattle for meat, protein, bone, byproducts -- so why not do the same with fish?  I'm wishing that this had been available 25 years ago.

1 in 3 wild fish are discarded before ever reaching a plate. This invention tackles the waste.

"The new sorting method makes it possible to extract and separate an additional five parts of the fish just as carefully as the filet: the head, belly flap, backbone, tailfins, and internal organs. The trial technology, developed by researchers from the Chalmers University of Technology in Sweden, has already been successfully tested at a fish processing plant in the country, which is now making new food products for human consumption from these leftover parts, including fish mince for burgers, made from the backbone and head."

There's even a scientific paper linked in the article, so this is legit and useful.  So now it needs to be implemented, widely and quickly.

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