Friday, June 14, 2024

A lot of reasons not to believe him


Speaker of the House Mike Johnson is untrustworthy.  Anyone who is a lawyer but bashes the proper working of the legal system just to kowtow to the proven (over and over and over) LIAR Donald Trump does not deserve our trust. One could easily go beyond this and point out all the other reason not to believe the Speaker, but in this case (and knowing the recent votes in Congress against protecting IVF and the right to contraception), there's no reason we should believe him here, either.

Johnson says he does not see national abortion ban next year, even under Trump
"Timmaraju [president of the pro-abortion-rights group Reproductive Freedom for All] also said that Johnson’s “flip-flopping” on abortion is more evidence that congressional Republicans cannot be trusted on reproductive freedom.

Johnson has long described himself as staunchly pro-life and supported restrictions on abortions, earning him an A-plus from Susan B. Anthony Pro-Life America and from Students for Life Action, major antiabortion groups."
Like I said, don't believe him. 

Believe this:

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