Wednesday, June 19, 2024

He's getting nutsier every day


I'm not sure if "nutsier" is actually a word, but describing Convicted Felon Donald J. Trump's speaking appearances needs to express how they are progressing down Crazy Road, according to Jennifer Rubin in the Washington Post.

Will Trump be held accountable — in the courts and the news?

(Go to the article for all the links.)
"On Saturday, Trump held a rally in New Jersey. (Odd location, given it is not a state in play, right? One wonders why he does not travel well far from home.) Many outlets, including The Post, reported on his obscenities and insults directed toward Biden, Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg (D) and Justice Merchan. Fewer adequately portrayed the full picture of his derangement.

The Daily Beast did the best job competently conveying at least part of Trump’s insane babbling. “Thousands Turn Out to Hear Trump Rant About Whales and Hannibal Lecter.” That’s the essence of the biggest underreported story of the election: Republicans are nominating a mental and emotional basket case. “Careening from tangent to tangent, Trump went from praising ‘the late great Hannibal Lecter’ to falsely claiming offshore windmills are slaughtering whales,” the piece recounted. To their credit, the New York Times also quoted Trump’s incoherent, run-on musings to help convey how disturbing (and disturbed!) his appearances have become.

However, most outlets still refuse to provide a complete portrait of Trump’s unhinged appearances. What about his babbling about eating a hot dog or his garbled words and slurred speech? From most reports, you’d never know he threatened to deport college protesters, lied by saying Democrats want to allow “executing the baby after birth” and repeated his claims he would not protect “delinquent” NATO countries. He sounds, frankly, off his rocker.

The topic of Trump’s emotional and mental health should not be ignored. When responsible media outlets do not consult experts on the topic, display portions of his blather to illustrate his incoherence or put his abnormal conduct in context, they wind up normalizing him. That amounts to an in-kind donation."

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