Wednesday, June 5, 2024

And it can also create The Incredible Hulk (tm)


What a breakthrough!  Molecules never found in nature, designed to cure some of the rarest diseases known to mankind!

New AI creates molecules not found in nature that can CHANGE human genes to cure even the rarest of diseases

"Hilary Eaton, Chief Business Officer at Profluent, said: 'It’s phenomenal that the first CRISPR-based treatments for genetic diseases such as sickle cell disease are already changing the lives of patients, but there remains an urgent need to accelerate the development of this technology for thousands of other currently incurable diseases.'

'Our intention with OpenCRISPR is to partner with cutting-edge research institutions and drug developers with a powerful and practical way to safely expedite the development of new CRISPR genetic therapies.'

To achieve the breakthrough, [CEO of Profluent] Madani’s team ‘trained’ Large Language Models on huge amounts of genetic data - in the same way that ChatGPT is ‘trained’ on text and images from the internet.

‘AI was at the heart of this achievement. We trained large language models (LLMs) on massive scale evolutionary sequences and biological context,' Madani said."

‘Our vision is to move biology from being constrained by what can be achieved in nature to being able to use AI to design new medicines precisely according to our needs.’

I am totally NOT an anti-vaxxer, by the way.  In this case, though, there's a chance that playing God with the molecules of life (that life never made) could end up with unexpected consequences.

Ask Dr. Jekyll, or Bruce Banner, about that. 

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