Saturday, July 27, 2024

Pleistocene Park


While Jurassic Park is very, very, very likely impossible (there isn't any good dinosaur DNA anywhere), the attempts to recreate mammoths and other Ice Age (Pleistocene) megafauna might have a chance to succeed.  So if you want to take your grandkids to see a big woolly elephant, it could happen.

Freeze-dried woolly mammoths share their genetic secrets with scientists
"Eriona Hysolli, head of biological sciences at Colossal Biosciences — a company working to reintroduce a version of the woolly mammoth to the Arctic — said the 3D chromosome structures the authors found “could reveal features of the genome that might be relevant to mammoth de-extinction.”

The authors said they hope their work will inspire similar studies on other dehydrated tissues, including those hot-air dried by nature or intentionally mummified."

Something else of interest relevant to this:  

Just Add Mammoth.

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