Wednesday, July 17, 2024

The fate of Nicklas Bendtner


Search this blog with the name "Bendtner" and you'll see I did several posts about the checkered (and I use that word correctly) career of Danish soccer star and gallivanteur (noun) Nicklas Bendtner.  

So where do wild-and-crazy soccer stars go when their career is over?  

Read on:

'I had an overdue parking fine of 33 grand... but money goes fast when you buy £150,000 wine!': NICKLAS BENDTNER talks car crashes, wild nights, and being Denmark's answer to David Beckham

And because I've been doing this so long, many of my early pictures of Bendtner and uber-wealthy Caroline Luel-Brockdorff (it didn't last, but it did produce a child) have been swallowed up by a Blogger shift that I haven't had time to remedy (and it would take a long time to fix everything that got bollixed up).  So I'll go get one.  After all, that's why I noticed him first.

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