Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Budget comment from Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.)

From an article entitled "Senate still wrangling over spending bill", this quote from a speech by Chuck Schumer, Democratic Senator from New York:

Meanwhile, in a speech Wednesday at the Center for American Progress, Sen. Charles E. Schumer (D-N.Y.) plans to call on lawmakers to merge talks over the short-term spending cuts with the Gang of Six bipartisan negotiations over the budget for next year and beyond. Doing so, he suggested in a statement, would "broaden the playing field" - now narrowly focused on the domestic programs that make up less than a fifth of overall federal spending - to include cuts to the entitlement programs that make up nearly two-thirds of federal spending, as well as higher revenue.

A voice crying in the wilderness, but maybe the Gang of Six will have a breakthrough. And then maybe John Boehner will take the Tea Party freshmen into a House backroom and whip from friggin' sense into those carpetbombers.

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