Sunday, November 20, 2016

New Zealand's earthquake lifts the seafloor above the waves

The earthquake that hit New Zealand on November 14th, also called the Kaikoura earthquake, really did a number on the island country.  Because it's on the Ring of Fire and obviously possesses a lot of volcanic and tectonic features, it's not surprising that earthquakes happen here; maybe it's surprising that there aren't more.

Along with the 'regular' types of earthquake damage to buildings and infrastructure, landslides caused a lot of problems and cut off several communities for awhile, including the community of Kaikoura that the earthquake was named for.  The epicenter was actually closer to Culverden, but one of the big aftershocks, was very close to Kaikoura.

The uniquest thing about this earthquake was the effects on the local coastal seafloor, which was raised up by around two meters in some places, exposing what normally lies under the ocean waters, and confusing at least one spiny lobster quite a bit.

I should be underwater

Where the seafloor was exposed

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