Tuesday, October 4, 2022

At what point are we no longer surprised?


Well, it's a bit of older news by now, but this headline (and story) just shouldn't be surprising.  But to see the level of undemocratic discourse in the GOP side of politics is troubling and disappointing.  And the future is more of the same, until democracy collapses.  I'm not the only person -- by far -- to think that, but the next election is going to pivotal, and could be catastrophic.

Republicans in key battleground races refuse to say they will accept results

Of the 19 GOP candidates questioned by The Washington Post, a dozen declined to answer or refused to commit. Democrats all said they would respect the results.

"The reluctance of many GOP candidates to embrace a long-standing tenet of American democracy shows how Trump’s assault on the integrity of U.S. elections has spread far beyond the 2020 presidential race. This year, multiple losing candidates could refuse to accept their defeats."
And in so doing, threaten the existence of the nation for which I assume they call themselves "patriots". 

Disturbing and dangerous. 

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