Sunday, October 16, 2022

Lighthouse of the Week, October 9-15, 2022: Dongding Island (Tungting Tao), Taiwan


Well, every now and then I'm late with a Lighthouse of the Week, and this is one of those times.  Not feeling particularly inspired, I decided to search for black lighthouses.  I know I've featured a couple of these, i.e., a lighthouse painted black, before, but I'm sure there are more.

And there are.  This is the Dongding Island (seriously) lighthouse, where Dongding Island is a small island claimed by Taiwan, but dangerously close to the mainland of Mainland China, aka China.  Here is where it is.  I'm quite amazed that this is still a Taiwanese property, given this location.  If you switch to satellite view and zoom in, you can see the shadow of the lighthouse right in the middle of the island, which is not a big island.

The Lighthouse Directory informs us of these details:

"1871. Active; focal plane 69 m (226 ft); white flash every 10 s. 19 m (62 ft) round brick tower with lantern and gallery, painted black. This is a staffed station. A photo is at right and Google has an indistinct satellite view. The lighthouse survived World War II but it had to be repaired in 1964 after being damaged by artillery bombardment from the mainland."

Below are two pictures that are findable, which is about half of all the ones that can be found via searching.  Note, because the island goes by several names similar to Dongding, the lighthouse has different names, too.  But that doesn't mean there are more pictures of it.

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