Sunday, October 16, 2022

Of course she is


I'm still a bit behind commenting on the news, so this piece about the judge who decided that former President Trump's purloining of documents he shouldn't have had, classified or otherwise, required a special master to sort them out, is a bit dated.  But the truth of it is still relevant.

The Trump judge ruling on the Mar-a-Lago affair is defying established law

"Judge Aileen Cannon’s two rulings in the Mar-a-Lago affair offer a master class in illustrating how a young and ideologically-driven judge can badly bungle important issues of law and public policy and distort the proper role of courts in protecting state secrets and supervising criminal investigations."

And what happened during the Trump administration was that underqualified and overly-ideological judges got appointed at every Federal court level up to the SCOTUS -- but the infection in that last tier is pretty obvious by now.

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