Monday, October 17, 2022

To be a fake Messiah, you have to have believers


REALLY fun/terrifying read here.

Trump's Messiah Scam Increases His Threat To America

Let's start here:

"Back in 2019, when Trump actually was president, Dana Milbank noted for The Washington Post:

“On Wednesday morning, he tweeted out with approval a conspiracy theorist’s claim that Israelis view Trump ‘like he’s the King of Israel’ and ‘the second coming of God’ (a theology Jews reject). He shared the conspiracy theorist’s puzzlement that American Jews don’t view him likewise.

“Hours later, he explained why he has taken a tough trade policy against China: ‘I am the chosen one.’”

Followers of the Qanon cult and the Fox “News” cult appear to believe him. And, like those who followed the people mentioned above, it’s tearing apart families, devastating our politics, and causing deaths across the nation."

And let's end here:
"We have multiple Republican governors now using the power of law, enforced by armed police, courts, and prisons to force women to carry unwanted pregnancies to term, an emulation of Trump’s misogyny.

In an attempt to out-Donald his role model, Ron DeSantis is using Florida taxpayer’s money to fly Texas-based asylum-seekers to Martha’s Vineyard and elsewhere: it got him a standing ovation in Kansas this past weekend.  [And hopefully he'll get charged with a crime for that, too.]

Half of the Republicans in Congress refuse to say if they’re vaccinated (although all probably are; outside of Gohmert, Greene, and Boebert these people are grifters, not idiots), thus modeling behavior that is destroying families and even today killing around 400 people a day in America."

But what should we expect from the party of Trump, the party of death and suffering?  More weirdness? And more danger to democracy.

Yes, I daresay -- both. 

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