Sunday, October 23, 2022

Lighthouse of the Week, October 16-22, 2022: Farul Sulina, Romania


When you think of the country of Romania, do you think of a country with a coastline?  I'm not sure if you do or not; while I was pretty certain that Romania probably had a Black Sea coast, I wasn't absolutely sure until I checked.  (Bulgaria does too, not even as long as Romania's.)

Since it has a Black Sea coastline, does it have a lighthouse or lighthouses?  It sure does.  They are in various states of repair or its opposite, disrepair.   This one is a pretty unique looking lighthouse, definitely not traditional.

The Lighthouse Directory, which we'll get more from in a minute, called it Sulina (2) or Sulina Main. But I couldn't find it on Google Maps with that name.  So after a short bit of work, I determined that this one goes by the name of Farul Sulina.   Equipped with that moniker, here's where it is.  It's on the channel where the Sulina Branch of the Danube River empties into the Black Sea.

So here's info about it:

"1983 (station established 1856). Active; focal plane 49 m (161 ft); three white flashes every 16.2 s. 48 m (157 ft) round concrete tower with lantern and two enclosed observation and control levels, rising from a triangular 2-story administration building. The tower is unpainted light gray concrete; lantern painted red."

So know that we know its name, let's see what it looks like.  (The lnntern, the top part where the light is located, doesn't look red to me.)

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