Friday, March 3, 2023

Lighthouse of the Week, February 26 - March 4, 2023: Ventės Ragas, Lithuania


I've had one Lithuanian lighthouse featured before, and let's face it, Lithuania doesn't have a lot of coastline.  So here's another one;  by a quick and unofficial count on the Lighthouse Directory Lithuania page, there's a dozen or so.   This one is no longer a useful lighthouse, but it's still there.

Here's where it is;  it happens to be very close to the little piece of Russian that includes Kaliningrad, which can be seen on the map.

So, speaking of the Lighthouse Directory, let's get some information on it.

"1860 (station established 1837). Active; focal plane 13 m (43 ft); continuous white light. 11 m (36 ft) octagonal brick tower with lantern and gallery, attached by a covered passageway to a 1-1/2 story brick keeper's house. The buildings are unpainted red brick; lantern and gallery painted white. ... The keeper's house is part of an ornithological field station and museum, founded in 1929 and well known among birders. The light no longer has any navigational importance, but it is maintained as a historical symbol."

We now proceed to the pictures.  People are included in the second one for scale.  I think the third one was taken to show the contractors where the electrical connections are. 


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