Sunday, March 26, 2023

More on Jenna Ellis, from a left-sided POV


The Daily Kos had a post about the Jenna Ellis (dishonest Trump lawyer) admission of committing numerous misrepresentations of the truth, aka lies.  They unloaded, while pointing out that all she got was censure, aka a black mark.  And she can keep on keepin' on with the lies and attacks, which she is doing.

Jenna Ellis admits in court that she recklessly lied about 2020 election. Her punishment is nothing

"In other words, Ellis admitted that she lied, that she did so recklessly, that she did it repeatedly, that she did it for selfish reasons, that it was done in violation of the rules surrounding her role as an attorney, and that it undermined public confidence in the election. That’s quite an admission.

For all this Ellis will get what amounts to a black mark on her permanent record and … that’s it. She remains a practicing attorney “in good standing.” Let that be a lesson to you, attorneys who lie repeatedly in ways that threaten the whole damned nation."

There's more.

"Ellis is, of course, a “Twitter Blue” member so her full response sprawls on at length, explaining how her lie wasn’t really a lie because it was just “dishonesty, fraud, deceit, OR misrepresentation.” Somehow, she believes that does not mean “lie, lie, lie, or lie.”

In any case, she immediately returned to attacking Dr. Anthony Fauci, promoting a conspiracy theory that President Joe Biden has brain damage, and making fun of Mitch McConnell’s fall. That’s all spaced out with some bible quotes, because she’s just that Christian."

Republicans.  You can't live with 'em.

Literally.  You can't.  I was hoping to examine the idea of a national split one day, not sure when.  But there are reasons it could be the best way to go.

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