Thursday, March 30, 2023

Ridiculousness at TownHall


TownHall is an opinion website for the right-wing of the political spectrum. The pretty far right wing.  It provides insight into the mindset and mind-bending scariness of how the right wing is thinking -- which is why I occasionally read an article from it.

So ...

I found this article.  And I blasted out a response, even though it's taken a bit of time to get around to posting it.

America's Reichstag Moment

"Why were the same actions not performed a few days earlier, when everyone knew that then-President Trump was going to hold a large rally and that many of those present would probably go to the Capitol where election certification was taking place in a joint session of Congress? As I said before, for all of the information we do have available, we are still not privy to the thoughts and discussions of key players like Nancy Pelosi and the head of the Capitol police force. But what if Democratic leadership had wanted some destruction and even some bloodshed? I have no evidence to suggest that they did ..."

Of course he doesn't. He's just one of the Republican rabble trying to play down the fact that the President of the United States tried to overthrow the American government. And the gullible readers of TownHall eat this stuff up.

"Had the January 6th riot actually been what Democrats and the media have been trying to sell—namely, a deadly attack on members of Congress and the police,"
They aren't trying to "sell" anything -- that's what it was.

"So why didn’t it work? Because the Trump supporters who entered the Capitol brought no weapons and only wanted to express their disbelief in the 2020 presidential election."

No, they wanted to stop the vote counting process and the certification of the election.

And that stuff about the weapons? Not true.

"Court documents, video evidence and news coverage directly contradict this characterization. Several rioters had firearms and dozens more wielded knives, bats and other real and makeshift weapons.

PolitiFact reviewed the case files for hundreds of defendants who were arrested and charged for their actions at the Capitol on Jan. 6 and found several defendants who police say were found to have brought firearms. Some were charged with having firearms on Capitol grounds while others stashed them nearby:"

"The Democrats continued with a fictitious narrative of violent insurrection, surrounded a Capitol that faced no further threat and set up their Potemkin committee that edited videos in their favor and brought on a TV producer to make their hearings prime time slick."
So, this propaganda is the Goebbels method, if you want to make Nazi comparisons: keep telling the people a lie, over and over and over, and they'll believe it. 

And that's what TownHall does.

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