Thursday, November 16, 2023

How should the message get through?


There's an article linked below from the Daily Mail. It's about a message from a lot of qualified scientists.  The message is urgent and dire. 

Unfortunately, the message is not getting through to enough people.

So how can this message get through?

That's a question I think about every day.

Humanity is at 'code red' due to climate change: 15,000 scientists pen urgent warning that Earth's capacity to support life is 'under siege' after 2023 shattered numerous temperature records

"The scientists are calling for an immediate cessation of human-induced pressure on the Earth's life support systems, with specific recommendations including a phase-out of fossil fuel subsidies, switching to plant-based diets, scaling up forest protection and adopting coal elimination and fossil fuel non-proliferation treaties.

They want all climate-related actions to consider that people from the poorest countries shouldering the largest brunt of ecological disaster while contributing the least to its cause and for the global economy to switch to one that prioritizes human wellbeing while stopping rich people from overconsuming."

Tall order.

But this is Code Red.


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