Sunday, August 4, 2024

Lighthouse of the Week, July 28 - August 3, 2024: Górliz Light, Spain


While featuring the Cape Higuer lighthouse last weekend, I noticed and noted a picture of this new (and it is new) lighthouse on the same Lighthouse Directory page.  So I decided to feature that one this week.

So this is also on the Basque coast, and it's located here. Faro de Gorliz, also known as Gorlizko Itsasargia

Now let's learn about it:

"1991. Active; focal plane 165 m (541 ft); three white flashes, in a 1+2 pattern, every 12 s. 21 m (69 ft) 10-sided cylindrical concrete tower with lantern but no gallery; 3rd order Fresnel lens. Tower is white concrete; lantern painted black. ... This modern lighthouse, the first in its location, marks a prominent cape on the northeastern approach to Bilbao. It was built as part of the Plan de Señales Marítimas 1985-89, a national plan to upgrade coastal aids to navigation."

Cool, right? The pictures are even cooler.

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