Sunday, August 25, 2024

Well, I'd like to go see all 10


I knew most of these existed, but not all of them. 

I am, in all likelihood, not going to visit any of them in person (I've been close to the Bonneville Salt Flats, but didn't actually see them up close and personal), though I'd like to. I would think that there's an outside chance I might see the Giant's Causeway, but I'd rather go to Iceland than Ireland, if I had the chance to choose. 

But I'd really like to see the Lençóis Maranhenses of Brazil.

One cinematic note:  Mount Thor (also known as and perhaps more correctly known as Thor Peak) is featured here, but the one that James Bond para-skied off of at the beginning of The Spy Who Loved Me was Mount Asgard, about 10 miles north of it. That would be a heck of an eco-adventure trip, but I have heard tell that the mosquitoes up there are legendarily awful. 

10 Natural Wonders That Don't Seem Real

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