Sunday, August 25, 2024

Updates on the Sycamore Gap tree


Just less than a year ago, the Sycamore Gap tree in Hadrian's Wall in England was cut down by vandals. There are worse words that I could use for them, but I'll stick with that. After it was cut down, the tree was taken away, cut up, and the wood will be used to make a monument to what was there.

But also, seeds from the tree were recovered, and they are sprouting. That's good news, part One.

And the good news part Two is that there are actual sprouts on the stump of the original tree. There are some longer videos available about that, but I'll link to a short one on The Weather Channel.

It will obviously be a long time before there's a full-size tree there again. But at least both humans and nature are trying to bring it back.

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