Sunday, August 18, 2024

Seems classic, but it was contemporary


Perhaps like me, you thought that the Italian dessert tiramisu (if you thought about tiramisu at all) was a classic Italian dessert that had existed for hundreds of years, or at least since humans started brewing coffee.


I found out the basic history of tiramisu when I read the story about the passing of the Italian chef who created it.

Tiramisu is a ubiquitous dessert. We have this Italian chef to thank.
Roberto Linguanotto, who died Sunday, is credited with creating the popular coffee-flavored dessert in the 1970s.

"Linguanotto says he accidentally dropped mascarpone in a bowl of eggs and sugar, liked the taste, and the pair worked from there, adding coffee and ladyfingers. They added the dessert to Le Beccherie’s menu in 1972. From there, it spread across Italy and, eventually, the world."

He might not actually have been the creator, though. Read the story, see what you think, and enjoy a slice of tiramisu, too, while you ponder.'

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