Tuesday, August 12, 2014

IT's NOT OVER YET - maybe

Climate indicators show renewed signs of El Nino: Australia

All that is at the link is this:

(Reuters) - The Pacific Ocean has warmed in the last two weeks, the Australian Bureau of Meteorology said on Tuesday, renewing signs of the development of an El Nino weather pattern.

The Pacific Ocean has warmed amid weak trade winds. Should the trend continue, more warming toward an El Nino is possible, the bureau said.
The bureau put the chance of an El Nino at at least 50 percent.

The U.S. has its new update out, and they have the chances at 65% - which means there is a 1-in-3 chance we won't have an El Nino.

ENSO Blog:  How has the forecast changed?

" The climate models look out several months into the future. A near-term factor that is being closely watched by forecasters is the change in the winds along the equatorial Pacific. As we’ve mentioned earlier, the winds along the equator usually blow from east to west, keeping warmer water piled up in the Western Pacific. If these winds relax, or even reverse, this warmer water can move to the east. (A couple of these “westerly wind bursts” back in the winter kicked off the downwelling Kelvin wave this spring.) Toward the end of July, the typical easterly winds again relaxed some (westerly wind anomalies appeared), and there is some suggestion these wind anomalies may continue. "

So while the odds are down, they're still good.  C'mon, El Nino - we're waiting.  Get your act together.

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