This sonnet could be. I started it with the idea of a trying to convey a sexual experience from a women's perspective (based on my extensive research on that subject), and expressing it as a continuum of impressions and sensations. I'm not sure how well I've succeeded, but it was worth a try.
(Different rhyme scheme for this one: ABBACDDCEFFEGG)
in the moments
I give him. Me. Exposed and offered, flesh
alone, awaiting—seeing where his eyes
are gazing, wanting. Me. And I apprize
his form, revealed. Overt. As we enmesh
and meld, our lips together—hands—a stroke,
and sucking, licking, touching then his length
within my mouth, against my tongue—his strength
my need; my body ardent as I soak
inside with readiness, expecting. Feel-
ing rapture as it enters, heat deep thrill —
enthralled; my love expands, explodes, fulfill-
ment glowing as I watch his face reveal
intention wonder knowing growing—ex-
ultation rushing gushing bonding sex.
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