Saturday, May 25, 2024

Dana Milbank stakes out the truth


A tip of the hat to the Washington Post's columnist Dana Milbank. 

This is why Trump supporters will believe absolutely anything

"As The Post’s Fact Checker, Glenn Kessler, and pollsters Scott Clement and Emily Guskin report, Trump’s supporters have become substantially more persuaded by disinformation than they were six years ago. They are more likely to say today that the 2016 election was marred by millions of fraudulent votes and that Russia did not interfere in that election — both demonstrably untrue. A majority of strong Trump supporters today believe his provably false assertions that Joe Biden won the 2020 election because of fraud, that the United States funds most of NATO’s budget and that global temperatures are rising because of natural, not human, causes. While only 28 percent of Americans believe Trump’s false claims on average, those who list Fox News as a primary news source are 13 percentage points more likely to accept the disinformation as true."
Oh, and there's this too.

" If this is your news source [Real America's Voice, hosted by Wayne Root], is it any wonder that you have no idea what’s going on? Trump, doing his best to keep up with the crazy, decreed that “any Jewish person that votes for Biden does not love Israel, and, frankly, uh, should be spoken to.” Trump went on to say that “thousands” of Hannibal Lecters — the psycho killer in “Silence of the Lambs” — have crossed the border illegally and are “now in our country.”

Needless to say, not a word was true. But much of it will be believed. Trump’s most faithful supporters will also undoubtedly believe what Trump said on Wednesday: that Biden proposes to “quadruple everyone’s taxes.” And they’ll accept that, as he posted Wednesday, it is a sign of “Communism at its worst” that he will next week “be forced to sit, GAGGED, before a HIGHLY CONFLICTED & CORRUPT JUDGE.” "
Terrifying.  And this is the terrifying truth -- not what much of America that is going to vote for the conman, rapist, and hopefully soon, convicted felon -- is hearing.

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