Saturday, May 18, 2024

It's pretty and scenic and historic - but swimming in it?


Paris is trying to clean up the Seine River so that it can be used as a competition venue during the Olympics, which are getting close. 

Not for rowing or canoeing or kayaking -- but for swimming?  I know that it's planned for open water swimming, and I believe for the water leg of triathlon, as well.

As of April, it wasn't exactly clean. And now we're past mid-May.

They say that it will be fine for the Olympics -- let's hope so.

‘Alarming’ bacteria levels found in Seine River, where Olympians will swim

"Along with select sporting events, the river is to be the centerpiece of the Opening Ceremonies. Athletes will sail down the Seine on cruise boats with spectators lining its banks, in lieu of the traditional parade on land.

In an open letter, Surfrider said it had growing concerns about the risks to Olympic athletes if the water is still contaminated by July, calling its test results “alarming.” "
Surfrider Foundation is described as a nonprofit devoted to waterway conservation.

I have to admit, it will be impressive, as long as it's safe. 

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