Friday, May 17, 2024

Don't agree


As a perusal of my political postings proclaims, I'm a pretty liberal person. But I don't agree with transgender athletes, particularly biological men who identify as women, competing against biological women (after puberty) and all the physiological benefits puberty provides to men, which confer an athletic advantage over women. And I say this as a full supporter of LGBTQ rights and against discrimination of LGBTQ people for virtually everything else. 

(Before puberty, it really doesn't matter.)

The competition between transgender women and biological women is simply not fair, and that's been demonstrated as pretty obvious in many different sporting competitions.

So I don't agree with this veto by the Wisconsin governor. 

Wisconsin Gov. Tony Evers vetoes ban on transgender athletes competing in high school sports as Riley Gaines and Libs of TikTok slam politician for not caring if 'daughters get beat up'

Oh, I pretty much support anything else Tony Evers is for, and I'm likely also against virtually everything else he opposes. Because he and I are liberals. And I'd vote for him every time over whoever the GOP ran against him. 

Still, I agree with this:
"During testimony last year, state Representative Joel Kitchens said: 'Men have major physical advantages. They're bigger, they're stronger, they're faster.'

'Title IX was created so that women can have the same access to the same advantages, the same character building that takes place (in sports) that men always have experienced.' "
So keep sports fair. That's all I want.

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