Sunday, May 19, 2024

Now THIS is an opinion


New York Times columnist and opinion writer, the noted Maureen Dowd, did not pull punches in this piece.

This is who the GOP is going to nominate for President. It's clear how far those who call themselves Republicans (though I think many call themselves MAGA and NOT Republicans) have fallen into the pit of despair.

Donald Trump, Blasphemous Bible Thumper

"In January he [Trump] put up a video on Truth Social about how he is a messenger from God, “a shepherd to mankind.”

Trump is, as the nuns who taught me used to say, “a bold, brazen piece.” He is a miserable human who cheated on his wives, cheats at golf, cheats at politics, incites violence, targets judges and their families and looked on, pleased, as thugs threatened to hang his actually pious vice president.

Yet, more and more, Trump is wallowing in his messiah complex.

Two-Corinthians Trump wouldn’t know the difference between Old and New Testaments. So he may not realize that, rather than a sacrificial lamb, he is the golden calf, the false god worshiped by Israelites when Moses went up to Mount Sinai to get the Ten Commandments."
You remember what happened when "I Am" aka Yahweh aka Jehovah, found out that the Hebrews were worshiping the Golden Calf, right?

It wasn't pretty.

By the way, one of those Commandments was "Thou shalt not commit adultery."  Donald must have missed that one. (Actually, he missed more than all 10 -- read the column.)

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