Sunday, May 12, 2024

Who's the statue?


In the city of Nancy, France, there is a large city square called the Place Stanislas.

There are many pictures of it; here's one of them.

You will notice that there is a statue in the center of the square.  The picture below has a closer look. 

So, you are hopefully wondering by now, who is the statue?

As you might be able to guess, the first name of the man depicted by the statue is Stanislas.

He was Stanislas Leszczyński, born in Ukraine and formerly King of Poland (twice), and then exiled a long way away, in France.  He married his daughter to Louis XV, invested a lot in the city of Nancy (because he was the Duke of Lorraine, where Nancy is located), and then died when his robe caught fire, but he had a long life -- he was the longest living Polish king. Wikipedia has the details.

I'm glad that I've informed three or four of my blog readers of this story. 

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