Sunday, May 19, 2024

Lighthouse of the Week, May 19 - 25, 2024: Punta Nati, Menorca, Spain


I checked back in my archives of LOTW and found that I had indeed featured a lighthouse on the island of Mallorca in the Mediterranean Sea, but not on the smaller "minor" island of Menorca. Both of these islands have several lighthouses, so I'll likely revisit. 

The lighthouse I'm featuring this week is one of the first that the search found when I searched for Menorca and lighthouse. In the Lighthouse Directory, there's one that is particularly appealing which I'll probably come back to.  But this week's featured light is the Punta Nati lighthouse.

This is the location of the Punta Nati lighthouse. I'm showing virtually the entire island of Menorca to put it in geographical context. 

Here's what the Lighthouse Directory has for it; not a lot of history.

"1913 (Mauro Serret). Active; focal plane 42 m (138 ft); four white flashes, in a 3+1 pattern, every 20 s. 19 m (62 ft) octagonal masonry tower with lantern and gallery, attached to the front of a 1-story U-shaped masonry keeper's house. The lighthouse is unpainted stone; lantern is gray metallic. ... This lighthouse on the relatively wild and barren northwest coast of Menorca is not often visited."

Nevertheless, it's scenic and pretty wild/isolated.

Pictures, including one with goats, and a fairly spectacular StreetView scene are shown below.

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