Monday, May 27, 2024

Why he's a good guy


Joe Biden is indeed a good guy, and a good President (and must be re-elected this November). 

Here's one reason why.

Biden set to block Alaska road key to accessing planned mine

The expected decision on Ambler Road reflects the administration’s selective approach toward boosting domestic mining of minerals used in green technologies

Apparently, though, it's not quite over.

Federal decision to block Ambler Road prompts slams, kudos

"[Alaska Governor] Dunleavy also condemned the Biden administration’s announcement regarding drilling in the NPR-A and the road to connect the Dalton Highway to the Ambler Mining District. The governor said this will deprive Alaskans of an opportunity for good-paying jobs and prevent the state from upholding its constitutional mandate to develop natural resources for the maximum benefit of the people of Alaska.

Several Alaska Native tribal entities, including the Tanana Chiefs Conference and Yukon River Inter-Tribal Watershed Council, meanwhile praised the Biden administration’s decision.

“This is a historic win for the Alaska Native community,” said Brian Ridley, chief chair of the Tanana Chiefs Conference, who called the decision a monumental step forward in the fight for Indigenous rights and environmental justice.

This road and all the mining that it would have invited would have destroyed our subsistence resources and water sources in our pristine homeland,” said Kathleen Peters-Zuray, a member of the executive committee of the Yukon River Inter-Tribal Watershed Council. “The road would have destroyed our way of life.”

There was also this:

Alaska Native corporation withdraws from the Ambler Road project

Keep it wild. There are too few wild places left. 

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